I am short on time today with the launch in just a few hours of RewardString. It is going to be crazy as soon as people learn that they can start earning for playing those silly online social games that people are so hooked on. In under two hours, I am allowed to start advertising the program and getting paid for playing and for other who play that I refer. It does not get any easier than this!
Speaking of easy, here is free help from a professional internet marketer that I know personally. We can get you on your way to living you internet marketing success story today!
F5 With Me and Warren! The link to click if you are frustrated with trying to get referrals online. Been paying for 16 years and it is only $5. Once you join, I will contact you and help get your marketing plan together. To get referrals you don’t need to sell anything or throw any pitches. Just set a time and bring them and Warren will explain everything, then put them under you. Just try it, I don’t care if you use your friend that doesn’t even care about the Internet Money game to see what happens.
Here is his latest video:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Lessons Learned Clicking for Pennies
For a few years now I have clicked on ads at PTC (paid to click) sites every single day. Most of these sites pay .01 or .005 (yes, that is 1/2 cent!) if you click on the ad link and let a timer run down. A mentor showed me this method as a way to raise money to advertise or upgrade in programs without spending money out of my pocket. It takes LOTS of patience to earn money here unless you can generate referrals and keep them active. At two of these sites you must earn $30 before they will pay you and I may only earn 1 check a year from these two. I have a handfull of referrals at each of these sites, but typically they give up after a few days of clicking for pennies and go sign up for some program that guarantees them instant wealth.
Sometmes I am embarassed to tell people that I actually click for pennies which is why I don't get a lot of referrals for these programs. However, if I get someone on my list who really wants to join a program and doesn't have the money, I always suggest that they go the PTC route. It truly seperates the men from the boys. (or the women from the girls!) Some might say the sane, from the insane. Anyway, it lets me know right away how much someone really wants a successful online business. It only takes me about 10 minutes a day to do all my clicks at about eight different sites. If someone clicks for a few days and then stops because they feel it is not worth their time, then they don't want to be successful as bad as I did. I am looking for people who will do whatever it takes to succeed online. If you are not willing to click then you better be willing to fund the business out of your checkbook. Even if you decide to pony up for the easy way out, you still probably won't succeed if you don't have the ability to see the value of a penny and the time spent to make it. Sounds silly, but it is almost like a Karate Kid, type of test.
If you are familiar with the older version of the movie, Daniel is made to do all sorts of menial, repetitive duties that he feels have nothing to do with learning karate from his mentor, Mr, Miyagi. (For those of you who like the new version, Dre is totally irriated with Mr. Hon's insistence that he take his jacket off and hang it up on a hook over and over again,)
In reality, sometimes it is the little things that need to be perfected to be able to succeed in the bigger picture. If you are patient enough to click for pennies and fractions of pennies every day and then use that money to fund your business, no matter how long it takes or no matter how small the checks may seem, then you certainly have the "stick-with-it-ness" to succeed in an online business. Although I now make money through other programs and could stop clicking for pennies, I still see the value in spending minutes a day clicking and getting paid for it.
In short, penny clicking has been my "wax on, wax off" training. it taught me that I have to get up every day and follow my online business routine whether I am accountable to anyone else or not. Whether it seems to be getting me anywhere or not. It is the discipline to do it even when I don't feel like it or see the benefit that sets me apart from others that will fail trying to earn online. I just wanted it bad enough to do things that others would refuse to do.
Today, some of this mindless clicking all made sense. I had a Daniel LaRusso moment! I was doing my daily clicking and saw that I had accumulated $2.18 in my Clicksense account. Too small an amount to do me much good and still a long way from the required $10 cash out. I wondered if I could turn that amount into ads for one of my businesses. I checked and found out that I could purchase 180 clicks. I set up an ad for a program that I had been promoting in traffic exchanges and safelists with minimal success. I placed the ad, then refreshed the page. Immediately 30 clicks were gone. In seconds 30 people had seen my ad. I refreshed again and again. To my surprise, all 180 cicks were gone within less than a minutes. I checked the hit counter on my ad and saw that indeed the number of hits received had increased by about 180. I figured that I had just wasted $2.17 of click effort, but I also noticed some new clicks on my confirmation pages. I checked my Traffic Wave account and I had 3 new subscribers within a three minute time period. Amazing! I am not going to go out on a limb and say that this would happen every time. Maybe my ad was new and different for the 180 Clicksense viewers, maybe it was luck, maybe it was just a fluke. Whatever happened, I got three more people added to mt list today because I click for pennies.
Some people might think that getting started online is more trouble than it is worth, but the tiny percentage of people who look at things differently are the ones who succeed and reap the rewards. "First learn stand...then learn fly...nature's rule..Daniel-san, not mine."- Mr. Miyagi, The Karate Kid.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Can't Build Your PeopleString?
I constantly see posts in the PeopleString forum from people who are disheartened at not being able to recruit referrals to their PeopleString. I just hate for people to give up and feel defeated when I know that it isn't really that hard. If someone truly wants to be successful in PeopleString, or any other affiliate program all it takes is some persistence and consistency. I reached out to someone today who sounded dejected. I told him if he would send me a private message and he truly wanted help that I would give him some information. I decided to publish these as open letters on my blog because I feel that many people are in his same situation and it may be helpful for others. So here is a copy of the personal message I sent him.
Dear (Insert Your Name Here), I totally understand your frustration because I have been working online for almost two years trying to earn and get referrals for various programs to make some extra money. It has taken me a long time and many, many hours of trial and error to get to the point where I can finally start to see some success here, although again, I am no expert I do get people added to my first level almost daily.
I use traffic exchanges, credit mailers (safelists), forum marketing, online classifieds and I also have business cards that I place on cars in parking lots, leave in public restrooms when I am shopping, etc. I am online as much as I possibly can be. Most people would probably not be able to spend as much time working on it as I do. I feel that once I hit a certain number of people on level 1, the bottom part of the string should really start to grow because eventually I will get some people under me that either know how to recruit or will be willing to learn, so I feel that all time enormous amount of time will eventually pay off, but it could all breakdown if something goes wrong. When earning online, make no mistake about it. Nothing is for sure. However, I don't spend much money doing this anyway and I enjoy learning. Most people grow impatient because they want instant results. I rarely ever get instant results. Everything I do is a process that takes some time to learn, test and refine.
Everything that I tell you is advice, so feel free to use what you want and leave the rest. First off, you need to upload a profile picture. People want to learn from and do business with REAL people. Until they see you, you are just a faceless person. Once they can see you, you become real. Every single chance you get, post a picture on your ads and profiles. It is called branding. The single, most important advantage that all of us have over the competition is the fact that we are individuals with a distinct personality. Use that to your advantage over people who choose to stay faceless. If your picture starts to appear over and over as people surf traffic exchanges they start to say, "Hey, I keep seeing that guy online. He must be really successful. If he thinks I should join this program, maybe I shoudl" It give you recognition and status.
Ok that is lesson 1 for now. I will be on and offline today, so feel free to ask questions. Do you have Skype or Yahoo IM? If so, add me. I am samrhett2 on both. If you would please let me know how you have been trying to promote so far, that would help me know what other advice to give. Where have you advertised? How much time each day can you work on your PeopleString? Are you sending people to a splash page or the affiliate page? Let me hear from you. Don't despair. You said you would be thrilled to get 1 sign up per week. If you follow some directions I can guarantee that you can at least start getting that!
I use traffic exchanges, credit mailers (safelists), forum marketing, online classifieds and I also have business cards that I place on cars in parking lots, leave in public restrooms when I am shopping, etc. I am online as much as I possibly can be. Most people would probably not be able to spend as much time working on it as I do. I feel that once I hit a certain number of people on level 1, the bottom part of the string should really start to grow because eventually I will get some people under me that either know how to recruit or will be willing to learn, so I feel that all time enormous amount of time will eventually pay off, but it could all breakdown if something goes wrong. When earning online, make no mistake about it. Nothing is for sure. However, I don't spend much money doing this anyway and I enjoy learning. Most people grow impatient because they want instant results. I rarely ever get instant results. Everything I do is a process that takes some time to learn, test and refine.
Everything that I tell you is advice, so feel free to use what you want and leave the rest. First off, you need to upload a profile picture. People want to learn from and do business with REAL people. Until they see you, you are just a faceless person. Once they can see you, you become real. Every single chance you get, post a picture on your ads and profiles. It is called branding. The single, most important advantage that all of us have over the competition is the fact that we are individuals with a distinct personality. Use that to your advantage over people who choose to stay faceless. If your picture starts to appear over and over as people surf traffic exchanges they start to say, "Hey, I keep seeing that guy online. He must be really successful. If he thinks I should join this program, maybe I shoudl" It give you recognition and status.
Ok that is lesson 1 for now. I will be on and offline today, so feel free to ask questions. Do you have Skype or Yahoo IM? If so, add me. I am samrhett2 on both. If you would please let me know how you have been trying to promote so far, that would help me know what other advice to give. Where have you advertised? How much time each day can you work on your PeopleString? Are you sending people to a splash page or the affiliate page? Let me hear from you. Don't despair. You said you would be thrilled to get 1 sign up per week. If you follow some directions I can guarantee that you can at least start getting that!
Karla Cross
Update: Total String 100, first level 57 as of 7/1/10
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
PeopleString, Paying Off and Big News Soon!
I joined PeopleString somewhat half-heartedly but, I now find myself hopelessly hooked on the silly games and the money that I am earning while having a great time. So far, I am surprised at the potential I see in this FREE program and the fact that I am logged into the site for about 15+ hours each day!
To recap, I have now been an active member of PeopleString for a little over 60 days. My reasons for joining were more specifically to make valuable contacts and turn them into prospects and then referrals. So far, I have had mild success with a few sign ups into my other programs, but the nice thing about it is that I have not asked for a single one. The sign ups came from people who simply visited my profile.
The screenshot I am including shows my current PeopleString earnings at around $27. A payment for that amount will be issued sometime in the next 7-10 days and that will be my first actual payment from PeopleString. Remember, this was money that I earned by simply changing my homepage to PeopleString and playing lotto and Guess Which Hand, and recruiting others, which I would be doing anyway to build my list of prospects for my other programs. I also have about $30 in pending earnings which will be paid out once my sign ups complete a survey for the Mailbox Cash Box program, although I expect some of those earnings to be pending for several months.
By attending webinars and being active in the forums, I have made some wonderful contacts. I have met both people that need some help and some that can help me. I have been able to tap into free marketing lessons and get excellent advice through Skype from top internet marketers. These are great people who I can see myself having long-term business relationships with. I have not been able to find this at any other forum or social networking community that I have been a part of.
Very interesting changes are getting ready to happen at PeopleString and a new tool that will make recruiting people into my string a cinch will go live very shortly. As an Entrepreneur member, I have had the opportunity to get the full details on this new program, but at this point, I can only share the details with members of my string. So either join, or stay tuned to read about them here as soon as they become public. For now, just let me say, that I feel extremely optimistic about the earning opportunities here and have pretty much put everything else on hold to recruit like mad for PeopleString. If I can help my downline here see how easy it is to earn, perhaps I will gain their confidence to follow me into other programs that are proven winners for me.
It is very hard for me to see any negatives about PeopleString at this point, in fact, it is my new favorite program! Oh! I almost forgot. I am still adding an average of one person per day to my first level and I have a few active stringers who are working hard to build their own. You can review my screenshot. I now have a total of 50 people on level 1 and a total of 85 in my string. Not bad for a few weeks!
(Click on the image to enlarge)
To recap, I have now been an active member of PeopleString for a little over 60 days. My reasons for joining were more specifically to make valuable contacts and turn them into prospects and then referrals. So far, I have had mild success with a few sign ups into my other programs, but the nice thing about it is that I have not asked for a single one. The sign ups came from people who simply visited my profile.
The screenshot I am including shows my current PeopleString earnings at around $27. A payment for that amount will be issued sometime in the next 7-10 days and that will be my first actual payment from PeopleString. Remember, this was money that I earned by simply changing my homepage to PeopleString and playing lotto and Guess Which Hand, and recruiting others, which I would be doing anyway to build my list of prospects for my other programs. I also have about $30 in pending earnings which will be paid out once my sign ups complete a survey for the Mailbox Cash Box program, although I expect some of those earnings to be pending for several months.
By attending webinars and being active in the forums, I have made some wonderful contacts. I have met both people that need some help and some that can help me. I have been able to tap into free marketing lessons and get excellent advice through Skype from top internet marketers. These are great people who I can see myself having long-term business relationships with. I have not been able to find this at any other forum or social networking community that I have been a part of.
Very interesting changes are getting ready to happen at PeopleString and a new tool that will make recruiting people into my string a cinch will go live very shortly. As an Entrepreneur member, I have had the opportunity to get the full details on this new program, but at this point, I can only share the details with members of my string. So either join, or stay tuned to read about them here as soon as they become public. For now, just let me say, that I feel extremely optimistic about the earning opportunities here and have pretty much put everything else on hold to recruit like mad for PeopleString. If I can help my downline here see how easy it is to earn, perhaps I will gain their confidence to follow me into other programs that are proven winners for me.
It is very hard for me to see any negatives about PeopleString at this point, in fact, it is my new favorite program! Oh! I almost forgot. I am still adding an average of one person per day to my first level and I have a few active stringers who are working hard to build their own. You can review my screenshot. I now have a total of 50 people on level 1 and a total of 85 in my string. Not bad for a few weeks!
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Why PeopleString is So Powerful
Success in internet marketing is all about building relationships. I was taught that very early on by my friend and mentor. He is the reason I joined PeopleString and most of the other programs I am involved in. He has been earning online since he retired about 10 years ago and has built an income and down line by thinking outside of the box. He is the only person I know who claims that autoresponders are a waste of time and too much trouble. Unorthodox, but you can't argue with success. So when Warren sent me a message at PeopleString stating that he has a $5 opportunity that he thought we could work together on and really make some change, I jumped on it, no questions asked. After all, when I first met Warren, I didn't have a spare $5 to my name. Now that times are better, what harm could it do?
When Warren emailed me back with the link, I was perplexed. It was a landing page to a program that I had seen about 1,000 times before as I surfed mindlessly through countless traffic exchanges to earn credits to advertise my own programs. It was the type of ad that makes you roll your eyes. Something with a picture of a fancy sports car and mansion and something about making $1,000,000....blah, blah, blah. You know the kind. Well, I figured that either Warren could either be getting senile or there was an angle to the program that he felt he could capitalize on. Well, I am happy to report that Warren has all his faculties and you are about to see for yourself.
Today, he emailed me with a link to his latest video. Using his contacts at PeopleString, he quickly got 7 out of 10 people to jump on his offer. Quite a conversion rate. That just proves what PeopleString can do. We are both active on the forums, simply commenting and helping others out. People continue to trickle to my personal downline builder page that is attached to my PeopleString profile because they are curious about how I earn online. I get a few sign ups a week without ever asking for them or advertising.
Please enjoy Warren's video while I head on over to PeopleString to do catch up with my friends and see if I can match Warren's conversion rate.
To Join F5 Millionaires Club and get help promoting it, including this video, join here: F5 with Karla and Warren then contact me by clicking HERE so I can help you.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
PeopleString, Growing Steady
Approximately six weeks after I started actually figuring out what PeopleString is all about, I have 30 direct referrals, 8 on my second line and 4 on my third for a total of 42 stringers. I average about one sign up per day which I have set as my minimum daily goal. My earnings are at $11.06, but I also have another $14.50 in pending earnings and I will also gain more money from this months ad revenue share. Not too bad for a free program that anyone can do.
As earlier mentioned, I really joined to see what PeopleString could do for my other online businesses, but what has happened actually amazed me. I find myself hooked on this site. In fact, I actually changed my home page to PeopleString this week, which is the highest virtual compliment I could bestow on someone. Although upon joining you are urged to make this switch, I thought someone would have to pry my Google home page from my cold, dead hands.
The main reason that I felt the urge to switch was because PeopleString changed the "Guess Which Hand" game this week. Currently you can play every 30 minutes. If you win, you get 30 people points. If you lose...well....you just try again in 30 minutes. So now I am obsessed with making sure that I don't wait long periods of time between playing so that I can get the maximum people points possible. Combine that with the 200 points that I get from logging in and doing a few simple actions four times within a 24 hour period and the points won in People Lotto every 4 hours and it is now possible to rack up points at an amazing rate. All which will give me a larger share of the ad revenue for this month.
I continue to work the forums and enjoy them, but I am starting to care more about building my string than recruiting sign ups from the forum for my other businesses because PeopleString is truly a cool business model that I am growing increasingly optimistic about.
Through the webinars I attend a few times a week, I am learning about different ways that others are marketing PeopleString that can really apply to any other online business. Although no earth shattering secrets have been passed along during these sessions so far, they are informative and interesting and keep me logging in every few days.
This week I did a lot of promotion using credit mailers and safelists. In the past I have not had much success with these methods, but others swear by them. Because some of this advertising just went out, it is too soon to decide whether this week's campaign has been successful, but I plan to change things up and try a different landing page in the next few days and compare the results.
As earlier mentioned, I really joined to see what PeopleString could do for my other online businesses, but what has happened actually amazed me. I find myself hooked on this site. In fact, I actually changed my home page to PeopleString this week, which is the highest virtual compliment I could bestow on someone. Although upon joining you are urged to make this switch, I thought someone would have to pry my Google home page from my cold, dead hands.
The main reason that I felt the urge to switch was because PeopleString changed the "Guess Which Hand" game this week. Currently you can play every 30 minutes. If you win, you get 30 people points. If you lose...well....you just try again in 30 minutes. So now I am obsessed with making sure that I don't wait long periods of time between playing so that I can get the maximum people points possible. Combine that with the 200 points that I get from logging in and doing a few simple actions four times within a 24 hour period and the points won in People Lotto every 4 hours and it is now possible to rack up points at an amazing rate. All which will give me a larger share of the ad revenue for this month.
I continue to work the forums and enjoy them, but I am starting to care more about building my string than recruiting sign ups from the forum for my other businesses because PeopleString is truly a cool business model that I am growing increasingly optimistic about.
Through the webinars I attend a few times a week, I am learning about different ways that others are marketing PeopleString that can really apply to any other online business. Although no earth shattering secrets have been passed along during these sessions so far, they are informative and interesting and keep me logging in every few days.
This week I did a lot of promotion using credit mailers and safelists. In the past I have not had much success with these methods, but others swear by them. Because some of this advertising just went out, it is too soon to decide whether this week's campaign has been successful, but I plan to change things up and try a different landing page in the next few days and compare the results.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
PeopleString, Making Progress

To bring you up to speed, I joined PeopleString (PS) three months ago, but only started using it about four weeks ago. My motivation for joining was different than most people. Although this is advertised as a free money making opp, I am experimenting with PS to see if it will lead to prospects and eventually sign ups for my other programs that I am involved in.
Everyday, several times a day, I do a few simple actions to earn 50 people points. Then I approve my friend requests and reply to any messages. The most important part of my action at PS is to review the forums and comment on topics that I can contribute to, or have an opinion on. You need to be careful here with your comments. The forums are a reflection of global society. You find hucksters, (old school word for spammers) naysayers, Chicken Littles, bullies and nitpickers. But you also find kind, generous people who either want information or those who have it and may or may not be willing to share it. As hard as you try, sometimes your comments will be misconstrued, but be very careful not to pick a fight or criticize. Helpful suggestions usually work well.
I try to be myself. I try to be genuine. I offer tips, encouragement and perspective. The forums are filled with people who came into PS expecting to be millionaires overnight. You can hardly blame them because all programs like this tend to exaggerate the success that the average Joe can expect. However, I have found that people who are willing to stay positive, promote their programs and be consistent begin to have success after a period of time. Those who get frustrated and quit.....well.....obviously they don't. The trick is to get people to understand and believe that they can succeed. If you can do that, people will be drawn to you.
In the last week, I have gotten two referrals in a traffic exchange, one sign up in another free program I use to earn, but most interesting to me is that I am getting at least a dozen emails every day with people asking to know more about what I do and how I earn. That is the reason I joined PS and so far it seems to be working. I don't have to spam my links, or toot my own horn, I am just being me. And that's very comfortable for a change!
A quick update. I currently have a string of 32 people. 21 on my 1st line, 8 on my second and 2 on my third. I am adding to my first line at about a rate of one person, per day. I currently have earned $10 and have another $10 pending and when the next revenue share is posted in about a week, I will have more since I am active on the site.
I won 250 People Points yesterday by spinning the wheel and earlier in the day I won $1. Not bad for playing a game, huh? Another update shortly regarding helpful info given out at the PS Entrepreneur Webinar last night.
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