To bring you up to speed, I joined PeopleString (PS) three months ago, but only started using it about four weeks ago. My motivation for joining was different than most people. Although this is advertised as a free money making opp, I am experimenting with PS to see if it will lead to prospects and eventually sign ups for my other programs that I am involved in.
Everyday, several times a day, I do a few simple actions to earn 50 people points. Then I approve my friend requests and reply to any messages. The most important part of my action at PS is to review the forums and comment on topics that I can contribute to, or have an opinion on. You need to be careful here with your comments. The forums are a reflection of global society. You find hucksters, (old school word for spammers) naysayers, Chicken Littles, bullies and nitpickers. But you also find kind, generous people who either want information or those who have it and may or may not be willing to share it. As hard as you try, sometimes your comments will be misconstrued, but be very careful not to pick a fight or criticize. Helpful suggestions usually work well.
I try to be myself. I try to be genuine. I offer tips, encouragement and perspective. The forums are filled with people who came into PS expecting to be millionaires overnight. You can hardly blame them because all programs like this tend to exaggerate the success that the average Joe can expect. However, I have found that people who are willing to stay positive, promote their programs and be consistent begin to have success after a period of time. Those who get frustrated and quit.....well.....obviously they don't. The trick is to get people to understand and believe that they can succeed. If you can do that, people will be drawn to you.
In the last week, I have gotten two referrals in a traffic exchange, one sign up in another free program I use to earn, but most interesting to me is that I am getting at least a dozen emails every day with people asking to know more about what I do and how I earn. That is the reason I joined PS and so far it seems to be working. I don't have to spam my links, or toot my own horn, I am just being me. And that's very comfortable for a change!
A quick update. I currently have a string of 32 people. 21 on my 1st line, 8 on my second and 2 on my third. I am adding to my first line at about a rate of one person, per day. I currently have earned $10 and have another $10 pending and when the next revenue share is posted in about a week, I will have more since I am active on the site.
I won 250 People Points yesterday by spinning the wheel and earlier in the day I won $1. Not bad for playing a game, huh? Another update shortly regarding helpful info given out at the PS Entrepreneur Webinar last night.
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